Installation Demos

Find below quick demos of the reactive audiovisual devices I have been developing.

The visuals are modulated by sound, which in turn is controlled by motion, detected by a webcam.

So: motion controls sound, sound controls visuals.

This is the result of years of research into interactive installation concepts started by the Transformation of a Photograph Project, also shown as the last instrument here.

Demonstration of Audiovisual Soundscaper made using Csound and Pure Data for motion control,

using low frame rate to achieve the desired visual effect.



Demonstration of Audiovisual Synthesizer made using Csound and Pure Data for motion Control,

using low frame rate to achieve the desired visual effect



Demonstration of Interactive Installation Concept(Click here for info) made using Csound and Pure Data for motion control.

Motion transforms a short composition via granular synthesis, and the resulting audio transforms a photograph.

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